Chemo Tips
Suggested items to bring with you during chemo (Put small items in a tote bag or back-pack and other items leave in car ):
1. An advocate, family or friend to hold your hand and be there for you
2. Portable notebook/laptop to help pass the time
3. iPad/iPod or Kindle
4. Portable DVD player - favorite movies
5. Favorite music
6. Books/Magazines - pen/pencils
7. A small notebook to take notes
8. A list of all your current medications
9. Extra cotton t-shirt or change of shirt - preferably v-neck for women (for port access)
10. Sweater/layers and sweats (be comfortable)
11. Bottled water (very important to stay well hydrated)
12. Sugarless candy (good to suck on before the heparin or chemo)
13. An insulated lunch bag with snacks - important to eat a light meal before chemo
14. Travel size pillow (for comfort)
15. Travel size blanket (cancer center may be cold)
16. Soft toothbrush and travel size toothpaste
17. Alcohol free mouth wash like Biotene (check with doctor or nurse)
18. Alcohol-free sanitizers or towelettes
19. Kleenix/tissue
20. Paper Towels
21. Chapstick
22. Lotion
23. Popsicles or ice cubes (to prevent mouth sores)
24. A plastic bag for laundry or in case of nausea
25. Small bucket to keep in car (in case of nausea emergency)
26. A cooler for food and snacks, include extra for caregiver
27. Small first aid kit
28. A cooler to keep in car with cold water (optional)
29. Pictures of favorite destinations, family and friends to keep you focused and motivated
30. Anything inspirational to you
31. Your doctor's phone number or possibly nurse (obtain after-hours phone number too)
Chemo Tips and Suggestions
1. Stay well hydrated
2. Rest when tired
3. Track and report side effects to doctor
4. Reduce stress (as much as possible)
5. Dress comfortable (loose, comfortable clothing)
6. Stock up on items you need
7. Eat a light, fiber meal before treatment
8. Ask questions about the drug and what it's for
9. Have a supportive person nearby
10. Allow for fatigue and recovery
11. Keep a list of all medications and be sure doctor has a copy
12. Have somebody check up on you after treatment. Know the warning signs of adverse chemical reactions.
13. Buy a digital thermomater
14. Never take supplements, vitamins, herbs or related WITHOUT checking with your oncologist/doctor, as it may interfere with treatment.
Other Suggestions:
Visit the dentist before you start chemo to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy